Wild Running is Live!

I’m happy to share some big (for me) news! Wild Running: Lessons from Dogs, Wolves, and the Natural World is now available on Amazon. Years of thought, research, and writing have finally come together in a book. Final front and back paperback covers. These past couple of months, the final sprint to the finish/publishing line,… Continue reading Wild Running is Live!


It started when Brian, someone I grew up next door to in the 1960s and 70s, texted to say he’d found some slides when going through his father’s things. The slides showed my father standing next to his beloved bi-plane, the 1924 Boeing P-12. Did I want them? Of course! I had no way of… Continue reading Connections

Traditional vs Nontraditional Publishing and Why I’m Self-publishing Again

Over the past year, while working on my current book, Wild Running, I've shared chapters with other writers for their feedback. I also sometimes read their works-in-progress for the same purpose. I also helped create a series of author talks at my local library, where I met several regional authors, some published by small presses… Continue reading Traditional vs Nontraditional Publishing and Why I’m Self-publishing Again

Practicing Patience

There's an aspect of the memoir writing and publishing process that no one warns you about: how much patience is required. Especially as you’re approaching the finish line. You spend years thinking about your story, nurturing the concept, researching. Maybe you spend a few more years writing it, in dribs and drabs, testing ideas. Finally,… Continue reading Practicing Patience

A Book and a Puppy

It's been so long since I've posted that my WordPress create-a-post screen is different, updated! I've missed posting and reading the posts of others I follow. Sorry for being absent with my likes for so long. I'm happy to report two monumental things happening in my life: First, my manuscript is nearly done. At 98,512… Continue reading A Book and a Puppy

More Book Progress

It has been a long, cold, snowy winter in Vermont. Still is, in fact, even though the calendar says March 31st. I hoped winter would be a good time to write my book. It has been, in some ways. But I learned something about myself: I do most of my writing in the afternoon and… Continue reading More Book Progress

Book Progress

It's been a minute since I last posted (November 25, 2022). Happy New Year! Some of you have been kind enough to check in, see how I am and how my book writing is going. Thank you. The boys and I are doing well. Finn turned 15, Conall reached eight, and I ignored my 66th… Continue reading Book Progress


I'm writing this on Thanksgiving Day (in the US). A day of reflection and gratitude. Me? I'm most grateful for my health, including my ability run, no matter how slow, while recovering from a sacroiliac joint injury months ago. And my dogs; I'm so grateful for them. And, of course, writing. I love to write.… Continue reading Sundogs

Ladybugs: A Metaphor for Life

Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home... As I was thinking about this post about ladybugs, a nursery rhyme I learned as a child kept popping into my head: Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home… I couldn’t remember if there was more. So, I googled it. There is more, and as is often the case with old nursery… Continue reading Ladybugs: A Metaphor for Life