Seeing Red

Autumn Leaves It is officially autumn in the northern hemisphere. Lately, running or walking with my dogs through the neighbors’ fields and woods, I find my eyes most drawn to the red leaves of the maple trees. Orange leaves are nice; yellow leaves are okay with the promise of becoming orange, maybe even red. The… Continue reading Seeing Red

So. Many. Leaves!

My entire adult life, I've read about and seen photos of the fall colors in New England, Vermont in particular. "Some day," I would sigh. That day has arrived. And I'm here to tell you, Vermont lives up to its autumn leaves reputation. Growing up in western Washington, just outside Seattle, I was familiar with… Continue reading So. Many. Leaves!

Woolly Bears: A Sign of Autumn

No, Woolly Bears aren't large, furry mammals like black, brown, panda, or polar bears. The Woolly Bears I'm referring to are insects. They're the adorably fuzzy black-with-rust-band caterpillars that appear throughout the U.S. and parts of Canada and Mexico every autumn, usually in September. I remember being delighted spotting them as a child growing up… Continue reading Woolly Bears: A Sign of Autumn

Dog Photobombs VIII – Autumn

Autumn in these Idaho mountains arrives in late August and continues until the snow comes, usually in late November. A few late-blooming flowers offer splashes of color while the grasses, leaves and larch needles transition from green to various shades of yellows, oranges, reds and browns. It's pretty, in an understated way. This has been… Continue reading Dog Photobombs VIII – Autumn

Autumn in the Payette

A forest trail run in the Payette National Forest this morning. A loop on trails maintained for mountain biking with lots of variety in terrain. Remote, at elevations between 6,000 - 7,000 feet. So peaceful. So pretty. My therapy. Maybe yours, too. Enjoy! Near a big aspen grove (the same one with the Basque tree… Continue reading Autumn in the Payette

Too Peopley Out There

When the world is a bit too newsy, and my days too peopley, I head to the mountains and practice some Stoicism, reminding myself: I can’t control external events, only my response to them. Following the dogs, weaving through rock cliffs and trees. My best response? Go outside and absorb the peace and calm of… Continue reading Too Peopley Out There