So. Many. Leaves!

My entire adult life, I've read about and seen photos of the fall colors in New England, Vermont in particular. "Some day," I would sigh. That day has arrived. And I'm here to tell you, Vermont lives up to its autumn leaves reputation. Growing up in western Washington, just outside Seattle, I was familiar with… Continue reading So. Many. Leaves!

Peacham Bog

Conall and I recently explored a bit of nearby Groton State Forest. At more than 26,000 acres, this forest is the second largest contiguous land holding of the State of Vermont. Conall strikes a pose as we head up the trail. The terrain is rolling, forested, and contains several bodies of water: Lake Groton (422… Continue reading Peacham Bog

Seeing Red

No, I'm not angry. Rather, I'm gobsmacked by the beautiful array of reds nature puts on display in Vermont this time of year. And to think the autumn colors show is just getting started! Let me show you what I mean. I started noticing red started in the leaves carpeting a rail trail where Conall… Continue reading Seeing Red

Woolly Bears: A Sign of Autumn

No, Woolly Bears aren't large, furry mammals like black, brown, panda, or polar bears. The Woolly Bears I'm referring to are insects. They're the adorably fuzzy black-with-rust-band caterpillars that appear throughout the U.S. and parts of Canada and Mexico every autumn, usually in September. I remember being delighted spotting them as a child growing up… Continue reading Woolly Bears: A Sign of Autumn

Letting Nature Heal

This past week, I've been far more open and revealing than normal with my posts about introversion and empathy. That's not easy. Although, I admit that once both pieces were posted, I slept better. For balance, I made sure my dogs and I got plenty of time in nature, walking in the valley or running… Continue reading Letting Nature Heal

Flexing Muscles

It's said that writing is like a muscle; one needs to keep flexing it regularly, daily if possible. I would add that, like so many types of exercise that keep our muscles strong - in my case, running - writing must become a habit so that when you do miss a day, you notice. You… Continue reading Flexing Muscles

Nature on the Run

Other than a smattering of aspen trees, the autumn colors brightening the landscape in the nearby forest arrive courtesy of the shrubs that make up the understory. During a recent morning run I found myself stopping repeatedly, stunned by the beauty of the foliage, digging my camera (a Google Pixel 3a phone) out of a… Continue reading Nature on the Run