Book Progress

It's been a minute since I last posted (November 25, 2022). Happy New Year! Some of you have been kind enough to check in, see how I am and how my book writing is going. Thank you. The boys and I are doing well. Finn turned 15, Conall reached eight, and I ignored my 66th… Continue reading Book Progress

On Writing

Anyone following my blog for long knows I’m adept at doing all sorts of writing that isn’t my book. Occasionally I focus and work on “the wolf book” (how I think of my work-in-progress), but I’m easily distracted by other bright-and-shiny writing options. This blog is Exhibit A. My emails and Facebook posts often become… Continue reading On Writing


Sifting through old digital files for content and ideas for a new, dog-themed Kindle Vella book project (more on that in an upcoming post), I stumbled upon several gems, positive reinforcement for saving writings even if I can't imagine any future use for them. One saved document nearly knocked me off my chair as I… Continue reading Precognition

It’s Time to Write About Wolves

For months now, my life has been in a state of upheaval. Leaving Idaho. Moving to Vermont. Settling in and adjusting. It has been a bumpy, scary, exciting and ultimately life-altering-in-a-good-way twelve months. This morning, walking through rain-soaked field grass with Finn and Conall, a light mist thickening the air and hushing the world around… Continue reading It’s Time to Write About Wolves

Insights II: Research as Part of the Writing Process

In my last post, musing upon the writing process that seems to work for me, I mentioned having spent years researching before actually writing my first book. I also mentioned my affinity for wolves, and a long-standing desire to write about them, demystify them, somehow change most people's reaction from fear to acceptance. So it… Continue reading Insights II: Research as Part of the Writing Process

Insights: The Writing Process

Writing, it seems to me, is a lot like running. It comes naturally to almost everyone (assuming an education that includes reading and writing), although abilities - and desires - vary widely and wildly. We're each of us an experiment of one. What helps me as a runner may or may not help you, and… Continue reading Insights: The Writing Process

Psychic Dynamite

Living comes with all manner of ups and downs, trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows, challenges to face and overcome. Winston Churchill had more than his share of all of those. In May 1940, after Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, he was appointed Britain's Prime Minister. He'd not held public office for ten years after… Continue reading Psychic Dynamite

Big Girl Panties

Pull up your big girl panties and just do it. Write, that is. A novel. So, NaNoWriMo starts November 1st. What's NaNoWriMo, you ask? A nonprofit that "...believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and… Continue reading Big Girl Panties

Welcome to Wild Sensibility – a blog about nature, dogs, forests, and a book in progress

The most regretful people on earth are those who felt the call to creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising, and gave to it neither power nor time.Mary Oliver I'm beginning a new adventure: writing a book I'm titling Wild Sensibility. Themes include exploring nature, wilderness, wildlife, dogs, resilience, and finding… Continue reading Welcome to Wild Sensibility – a blog about nature, dogs, forests, and a book in progress