Book Progress

It's been a minute since I last posted (November 25, 2022). Happy New Year! Some of you have been kind enough to check in, see how I am and how my book writing is going. Thank you. The boys and I are doing well. Finn turned 15, Conall reached eight, and I ignored my 66th… Continue reading Book Progress

Green Lake George

A month ago I read an article about a man named Al Nixon. Al spends nearly every morning on a park bench in St. Petersburg, Florida, watching the sun rise and the people go by. His simple, consistent presence - and his open body language as he sits, legs outstretched, arms resting on the back… Continue reading Green Lake George

Snow: Too Much of a Good Thing?

I love snow. Snow is a big reason I moved to Idaho's mountains. If precipitation is going to fall from the winter sky, I prefer it be in the form of snow rather than rain. Seattle has way too much rain and too little snow. I don't miss Seattle's rain. Snow is a state of… Continue reading Snow: Too Much of a Good Thing?


The scent of new rain on dry earth or pavement. It's distinctive. You know it when you smell it, yet it's...indescribable. Try to. I dare you. I find the scent pleasing and elemental: natural, environmental, atmospheric, essential. When I catch the scent, no matter how briefly, no matter where I am, I'm instantly transported to… Continue reading Petrichor

When Life’s Stresses Haunt Your Dreams

I honestly didn’t anticipate writing about dreams again, so soon after my recent Dreamscape post. But like many of you, recent events – COVID-19, stock market plunge, politics – have amped my stress levels up significantly. My subconscious is struggling to handle the input. My usual antidote for stress – time in the forest with… Continue reading When Life’s Stresses Haunt Your Dreams

Random Thoughts During a Winter Run in the Forest

The following is sampling of the sorts of thoughts that flit through my mind while I’m out running in the forest with my dogs. Since they can’t talk to me (except through their body language), for much of the time we’re out there I’m carrying on an internal dialog with myself. While the specific threads… Continue reading Random Thoughts During a Winter Run in the Forest

Epic Trail Fail #4: Guide Dog

If you spend time in the outdoors, eventually something will go wrong. It's a law of nature. But if you survive, those epic failures become the best stories! We’ve all read about amazing accomplishments in the wild, but now it’s time to tell us about the not-so-great times and what you learned from them. Share… Continue reading Epic Trail Fail #4: Guide Dog

Always Something to See

I don't run every day. Usually my dogs and I run a couple of days in a row, then take a day off. Rarely I'll run three days in a row but leaving Finn home one of those days, which breaks my heart, seeing his sad eyes as Conall and I head out without him.… Continue reading Always Something to See