Taking Calculated Risks

You all know I'm participating in NaNoWriMo this month - National Novel Writing Month. Stating that publicly is, in itself, a calculated risk. One I embrace, because it keeps me honest, and motivated. But taking on risk means simultaneously accepting the possibility of failure, of not reaching one's goal. I was fortunate to grow up… Continue reading Taking Calculated Risks

Insights: The Writing Process

Writing, it seems to me, is a lot like running. It comes naturally to almost everyone (assuming an education that includes reading and writing), although abilities - and desires - vary widely and wildly. We're each of us an experiment of one. What helps me as a runner may or may not help you, and… Continue reading Insights: The Writing Process

Psychic Dynamite

Living comes with all manner of ups and downs, trials and tribulations, joys and sorrows, challenges to face and overcome. Winston Churchill had more than his share of all of those. In May 1940, after Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway, he was appointed Britain's Prime Minister. He'd not held public office for ten years after… Continue reading Psychic Dynamite

Hey, Self: Some Tips to Remember During November’s NaNoWriMo Challenge

1. You can do this. You’ve done this before (well, something similar, at least). 2. The Zone. It exists. You found it, writing your first book, and you can find it again. It’s amazing and worth pursuing. 3. Put words on virtual paper. Spill your guts, without an internal editor/filter. 4. Follow your muse’s lead.… Continue reading Hey, Self: Some Tips to Remember During November’s NaNoWriMo Challenge

Big Girl Panties

Pull up your big girl panties and just do it. Write, that is. A novel. So, NaNoWriMo starts November 1st. What's NaNoWriMo, you ask? A nonprofit that "...believes in the transformational power of creativity. We provide the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds—on and… Continue reading Big Girl Panties